Saturday, August 30, 2008

Barack Talk Breakdown - Part 1

Here are some interesting facts from Barack Obama's speech given at the Democratic Convention held in Denver, CO on August 28, 2008.

The speech was titled The American Promise.

It took around 3 minutes of "Thank You" to start the speech.

Promise was used an astounding 26 times.

President Bush was referred to 8 times.

John McCain was named 22 times.

President Bush was brought up two times before mentioning is opponent, John McCain!

So, what is the definitive meaning for promise? Promise can be defined as a proclamation that something will or will not be done for future excellence or achievement. If only Barack understood that is what makes being an American so great. Every American already strives for future excellence. We don't need empty rhetoric to tell us that!

In future parts, we will take an even deeper look at Obama's speech.

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