Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bill Clinton Visits North Korea

In a surprise trip to North Korea, former President Bill Clinton visited Kim Jong Il in an attempt to bring home Laura Ling and Euna Lee, two American journalists being detained.

Touted by many as an 'international rock-star,' Clinton was the choice in thise secret mission. Okayed by the Obama Administration, his visit is important in so many ways.

Not only to bring home the two American Current TV journalists, Clinton's visit is a testing ground to dialogue on numerous future talks between North Korea and the United States. Nuclear disarmament would be among the biggest concern.

Clinton's reception was greeted warmly, with the two talking over dinner.

However, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, "I think we're obviously talking about something that's extremely sensitive."

Gibbs also stated, "We will have more to say on this hopefully later on."

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