Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Health Care Reform A 'Moral Obligation'

Today, President Obama worked at pitching health care reform with religious leaders in various communities of faith in a conference call.

With huge opposition, Obama turns to a group of religious leaders in an effort to rethink how to sell the proposed health care reform. President Obama claims the opposition is distracting the country from its "core ethical and moral obligation."

In his effort to sell his health care, Obama has teamed up with Fatih in Public Life. A group directly affiliated with ACORN.

They have started an enormous effort, 40 Days for Health Reform, to flood televisions with advertisements, prayer vigils, rallies, and also ministering debate in Sunday sermons.

The advertisements are produced by AKPD Message and Media, founded by White House senior strategist David Axelrod. The media firm looks to receive, along with GMMB, $12 million by Health Economy Now and Americans for Stable Quality Care, a coalition that includes PhRMA.

As the President thinks health care is a moral and ethical issue, many are in a stir as the line between the separation of church and state is severely questioned. Argument coming due to a conference call from President Obama to religious group leaders asking them to use their platform to further a political agenda.

Even more of a moral and ethical issue when many look at the bill as elderly genocide, or a way for the government to take over another industry and control more. For many, the issue isn't health care reform. It's health care control.

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