Saturday, March 1, 2008

America: History Repeated?

History has shown us, and will continue to show us that it will repeat itself. Some may say that sealing our borders is not that important, however, I stand to say how important it really is.

Time and time again, our neighbors to the south have shown us how vulnerable our borders are. This is not limited to illegal immigration, but also open to drugs and even at times weapons. But I ask, is that all this country is exempt to? Being that this country is what many strive to be a part of, many other states, nations, and countries want nothing more that to exploit it. So, what is to become of America because of that? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, in an address to the U.N. in September 21 of 2006 said this:

'The United States empire is on its way down and it will be finished in the near future, inshallah.'

Inshallah is an Arabic phrase for "God willing," and is one that is frequently used by Islamic terrorists. Hugo Chavez is also a close ally of Syria, Iran, and Cuba. Is this a sign of the "near future" that he was speaking of, and how he is aligning himself with the many others that America stands so strongly against in the global war on terrorism? Another frightening fact is that the United States still continues to pay Venezuela for oil. Why are our elected officials funding those we oppose?

The brutal honesty of all this leads us to question what exactly is being brought into this country of ours illegally. Since it seems true to say that the illegal immigrants are secretly aligned with those we are fighting overseas, who is to say that they cannot exchange the drugs for nuclear weapons. We face this war on many fronts, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I don't think we ever contemplated the idea that we would be attacked from within. And to say that, without limit to only the war, but also from the very government that was elected to keep us safe. One perspective points that way. The example being the Roman empire and their destruction. A quick study of what led to their fall, can point to the path America may be headed towards.

The Roman empire had:

  • no budget system
  • a tax collection system that drove the lower and middle classes further into destitution
  • high costs due to military defense from all the wars they fought in
  • an economy based on cheap labor
  • produced few exportable goods
  • little to no return on their investments
  • a debasement of their money and the continuation of making more led to inflation

Is there a parallel to what we face as a nation in over-governing? If we continue down the same road we are on now, we will see the fall of this great America. Somehow, I don't think that's what our founding fathers had in mind when the penned the great documents. Also, I don't think that's what Abraham Lincoln meant on November 19 in 1863 when he said that we are a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." Taking note, we are THE PEOPLE. We need to be the people to protect this awesome country and what it stands for.

Be a VOICE, and THE PEOPLE to change America, and not let history repeat itself.

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Michelle said...

You think an awful lot!!:)

Gambit said...

Here's a link to a site where I think you'll (this blog's author) will enjoy:

It's a 7-part TV series in pre-production right now and will release in 2009. Go view the trailer and also read their blog to get an idea of what it's about and how important it will be for all Americans to watch.

Anonymous said...

That's an imperial overstretch argument of the decline and fall of the United States as the world's preminent power, but there's little support for it in academic international relations.